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Marshall 1880 1959 benannte Europäische Wiederaufbauprogramm englisch European Recovery Program Abkürzung ERP nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg das am 341948 in Kraft trat. Marshall Plan in British English.

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Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache.

Definition of marshall plan. Marshall introduced it in a speech at Harvard University on June 5 1947. Marshall Plan formally European Recovery Program April 1948December 1951 US-sponsored program designed to rehabilitate the economies of 17 western and southern European countries in order to create stable conditions in which democratic institutions could survive. What Was the Marshall Plan.

Bedeutung Aussprache Übersetzungen und Beispiele. Marshall introduced it in a speech at Harvard University on June 5 1947. Beim Marshall-Plan handelt sich um ein von den USA initiiertes Wirtschaftsförderungsprogramm das 1948 in Kraft trat und den Wiederaufbau Europas nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg ermöglichen sollte.

The Marshall Plan was a US-sponsored program that was implemented following the end of World War II. After World War II Europe was devastated and urgently needed an organized plan for reconstruction and economic and technical aid. The originator of the plan US.

Marshall Plan A program by which the United States gave large amounts of economic aid to European countries to help them rebuild after the devastation of World War II. The Marshall Plan officially called the European Recovery Program ERP was a plan of the United States for rebuilding the allied countries of Europe after World War II. Secretary of State George C.

To rebuild postwar Europe. After World War II Europe was devastated and urgently needed an organized plan for reconstruction and economic and technical aid. 0 The US-financed program 1947-51 for the rebuilding of European agriculture and industry after WWII.

He pointed out two basic reasons for providing aid to Europe. The Marshall Plan was initiated in 1947 to meet this need. The Marshall Plan officially the European Recovery Program ERP was an American initiative to aid Western Europe in which the United States gave 13 billion approximately 130 billion in current dollar value as of August 2015 in economic support to help rebuild Western European economies after the end of World War II.

Historical Terms a programme of US economic aid for the reconstruction of post-World War II Europe 194852. Marshallplan das nach dem General und damaligen US-Außenminister George C. The Marshall Plan was initiated in 1947 to meet this need.

Duden Marshallplan Rechtschreibung Bedeutung Definition. Der Marshall Plan hieß offiziell European Recovery Program und war ein Hilfsprogramm der Vereinigten Staaten für die nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg stark gebeutelte Wirtschaft Europas. One of the main reasons this was done was to stop communism basically the USSR.

April 1948 in Kraft und dauerte insgesamt vier Jahre. An act to promote world peace and the general welfare national interest and foreign policy of the United States through economic financial and other measures necessary to the maintenance of conditions abroad in which free institutions can survive and consistent with the maintenance of the strength and stability of the United States. A programme of US economic aid for the reconstruction of post-World War II Europe.

Bis 1952 erhielten 18 westeuropäische Staaten Sachlieferungen und nicht rückzahlbare Kredite zum. Es wurde nach dem damaligen US-Außenminister George C. Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache.

The originator of the plan US. Der Marshallplan trat ab dem 3. Definition Rechtschreibung Synonyme und Grammatik von Marshallplan auf Duden online nachschlagen.

Collins English Dictionary Complete and Unabridged 12th Edition 2014 HarperCollins Publishers 1991 1994 1998 2000 2003 2006 2007 2009 2011 2014. A programme of US economic aid for the reconstruction of post-World War II Europe 194852 Official name. Official name European Recovery Program.

The plan was named after Secretary of State George Marshall but the plan was worked out by. It was intended to aid European countries that had been destroyed. In Europa überwiegte im Anschluss an den Krieg Armut Arbeitslosigkeit und auch Perspektivlosigkeit da fast alle Fabriken und industriellen.

A plan put forth by George C. Secretary of State George C.

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